Ukrainian Ironbelly - Up
Ukrainian Ironbelly (Dragons) - the largest of the dragons, often weighing six tons, this beast from the Ukraine is quite rotund. It has metallic gray scales, red eyes and very long, vicious talons.There are three curses which are deemed unforgivable and regarded as belonging to the realm of the Dark Arts.
- The Imperious Curse allows the caster of this evil spell to gain total control over another person. Some people can learn how to resist "Imperio", but only those with great strength of character. Imperio is Latin for "imperious, domineering, and powerful".
- By voicing "Crucio", one uses the Cruciatus Curse to cause intense, unimaginable pain in the victim. The outward symptoms manifest themselves through extreme twitching, writhing and quivering, and this excruciating dance of torture can drive one insane. Crucio is the Latin word for "to be afflicted" and "to torture, to torment".
- There is no reversing the Killing Curse, or "Avada kedavra", which kills someone instantly with a powerful flash of green light. Harry Potter, as a baby, is the only person who has ever survived this evil curse. Curiously, there is a term, abra kadrabra, meaning "destroy the thing", which sounds close to the Killing Curse, and it has transmogrified into abracadabra, a harmless spell used by those show persons whom muggles call magicians.
Though muggles have sought the unicorn, they have never caught one, and therefore, debate its existence while enchanted by this beautiful white horse with a horn growing out of its elegant forehead. From amongst them, the Greek physician, Ctesias, stated that the unicorn was from India, roughly horse-sized, and not at all like the animal we know: it had a dark red head on a white body, and dark blue eyes. Its horn, about eighteen inches in length, was white at the base, black in the middle, and a fiery red at the top.
By medieval times, however, the muggles got it right: they believed the unicorn to be the graceful creature we know, for its resplendence and the magical qualities of both its horn and its silvery blood. Unicorn foals start out life as gold creatures, with their coats turning silver at about two years of age. Their horns grow around four, and they are the purest white by the time they mature, at about seven years.
Up (Spell) - the command which summons a broom up into the wizard's outstretched hand. This is one of the first spells a student learns since everyone in first year is required to learn to fly from Madame Hooch.
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