Known for giving the world [Bela Lugosi] (1881-1956), the culinary spice paprika, one of the first “rock stars” in Franz Liszt (1811-1886) [see right], who was extremely popular as a concert pianist in the late 1830s, the phenom called Rubick’s Cube, and Edward Teller, whose theories and work helped create our modern horror -- the nuclear bomb, Hungary also gave us the word vampire.
Hungary is one of several European countries reputed to possess vampires throughout its history. Because of the magnitude of infestations in villages and the countryside during the 17th and 18th centuries, this nation which isn’t larger than the average USA state, brought the undead to the general consciousness of Europe. The vampir is the most common species found in Hungary, most commonly destroyed with a stake through the heart. An obscure form is called liderc nadaly, which can be stopped by a nail through the temple. |
|In a Welcoming Vein: Vampire Renaissance map|
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